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Sample poems from the book!

Thoughts of Summer Paradise


Thoughts of Summer Paradise

Bring the meager poet

To immense play

Like the dancing kid

Licking her popsicle

Under the dizzying sun

Ecstatic, giggling and free

She sings beside a river

Of orange blossoms

A storm of love

Awaits her

Music sizzles the senses

As the carnival

Of her life begins.



A marriage takes place

with the mind and heart

creating what we could call emotions;

those lush, active, intangible events

reacting from the depths of our being.

Ideas flowering in the native mind

battle with those sometimes

reckless, uncontrolled emotions

yet all of it; past, present, future

weave a golden tapestry telling a story

whether true or false,

it becomes something to reflect.




In silence


In Stillness


In simplicity


From within

Glory everywhere

The Sad Tree


 There is a tree in a far-off land

            tangled in its own branches

                        Sadness covers the laughter

                                    as his face becomes like old water;

                                                stagnant by uncertainty.

                                                            Misunderstood, he longs to be born anew

                                                                        removing any rancid trace of the past.

                                                                  Of course, the tree

                                                         loves to play games of sorts

                                    guessing who will be the next

                                                            to come for shade, fruit or wood.

                                                                        Would there be a someone?

                                                                                       Who will rest here?

                                                                                                   Play here?

                                                                                                           Make love here?

                                                                                          Much has been seen,

                                                                        most, he'd like to forget.

                                                         Please bring something

                                              worth remembering.

Never Far Away


A memory of you

   rushes through me

     like a strong gust of wind.


          Without a thought,

                I look up

                   to the moonlit sky,

                    and blow you a kiss

                         good night.


 A smile brushes my face

      and my heart 

         has all but stopped.



                 I feel safe


                       we are 


                   the same                                           blanket of stars               

Logical Heart


The sea holds me captive, 

Sweeping emotions in an

Undertow of affections

Once hidden.

Preying on that perpetual

Desire of freedom,

A current of logic rolls in

And a battle of head and heart 


Duck, Duck, My Goose is Cooked




I walk around in life

screaming inside, thinking - rather


someone will hear me

but how can they?

I do not make a sound,

I look perfectly normal.

above the surface

I am a picture of Grace.


I'm frantically swimming

as if my life depends on it

it does.

I suppose there are more

ducks out there

than just little ol' me

I can't be the only one

who feels this way,




It was spring

Four thirteen

Air crisp

Stars bright

Exhaustion fell into vulnerability

A voice

An open door

Stepping through seems



Full of wonder and awe

The feeling of fear

Turned to excitement

Like a child

Discovering a new world

Nothing will be the same

Words do not fit this world

Their weakened power

Have no place

Only what we know from

Our beyond

Can be accessed

To help us understand

The new exhilarating mysteries

Visions are strong

Trust is reunited with the self

Guidance given, received and carried out

The mind opens to channel

Visions, messages, un-experienced feelings

Repressed emotions

A heart opens to an antiquated way of love

Bringing a new category of pain

Both feelings echo in the soul simultaneously

Joy has no parallel

Fear has no position

The experience of how things are

Is prominent

Nothing is made up

Just taken in

Magic is present

The present is magic

Hope is not needed

Where certainty lies

And love is

The bright red umbrella

Covering all

In the soft grey scene

Love Walks In


When love walks in

It doesn't matter

The color







Or time...

It will fall on the heart

And rest awhile

Or stay much longer


Forever isn't long enough

And when the physical presence is gone

Its imprint and affects

Carve out a space-

So deep a place

We didn't know existed

Nestling itself deep within

And we are forever touched






The space in between reality and hallucination

Finding some humor and fear simultaneously

Wondering if the wandering mind will

Find its way home before

unexplained things happen

To A Friend...


Sometimes we do not understand

When someone reaches for our hand

And it's our heart they also take

To help mend and mold and shape


It's our frightened human way

To close our hearts and turn away

But if only we'd let go

We'd see the love they wish to show



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